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New Year’s Eve: superb entertainment with a twist

New Year entertainment

What’s the best entertainment for NYE? A party at a nightclub? City centre firework display? A Scottish-styled hootenanny with bagpiper?

Bit too much like Auld Hat? We know the feeling! So, we’ve looked to what’s on offer in party capitals London and Edinburgh this NYE to see what’s hot for a New Year party to remember (well, almost!).



Burlesque is very much in vogue, the entertainment of choice for the “Fifty Shades” generation/s. Tp spice up the evening a little more (as if it needed it!), London clubs have been adding extra attractions to their burlesque delights, including belly dancing, live DJ, circus and even comedy. Add exotic cocktails and spicy menus, and it’s a whole new flavour to start 2019.

Holly Penfield


Great Gatsby/Prohibition/Speakeasy themes

Still going strong, the appeal of the Roaring 20s and Art Deco Thirties continues to shape and style parties. Add in the added popularity of the Charleston after the latest series of Strictly, and it’s time to shake your tail feathers like it’s 1929! Think champers, canapés, elegant frocks, dapper chaps in tails, palm orchestras, speakeasy jazz- and the new generation of bands ‘reinventing’ modern songs in vintages styles.

Jazz Spivs, The

and with a twist


Welcome to Cabaret

Cabaret is the smart choice for those who like their New year’s party music accompanied with wit, dancing, super music, and (usually) cutting edge comedy. However, cabaret can be anything you want it to be, so mix and match and create your own from artists here at Matters Musical.

Shoo Shoo Baby


Salsa party

Now, we admit, we thought salsa sort of lost its lustre a bit in 2018, but oh no, it’s big and its bold and out there to get everyone on the dance floor. We’re sold already!

Vivo Latino

and with a twist

Bhangra Latina


Pop-Up Ceilidh

We love this idea. Find a venue, fill it with folk that want to have a darn good dance, and let loose a new generation ceilidh band that take folk music by the arm and leads it astray!

and with a Riverdance style sound

Licence To Ceilidh


Edinburgh’s Hogmanay

This year, Edinburgh indulges in no less than three days of non-stop partying. There are live pop concerts, a massive street party, Symphonic Ibiza (featuring club anthems played by a live orchestra and DJ), a ceilidh, classical concerts, events especially for the kids including a baby’s disco, and a New Year’s day dip in the freezing Firth of Forth.

OK, we’ll skip the last one, but the rest sound fun! If you want to create something special for New Year for your company, business or just for your friends, call us, and we’ll help you put together an memorable evening.


Need a bagpiper for New Year?

Sorry, but most bagpipers will have been booked by now, and the same applies to Burns Night too. However, you can still drum in the New Year dancing to dhol drummers, have a trumpet fanfare for your haggis, or let a limbo dancer light your New Year fireworks!

Rhythm ‘n’ Bass Dhol Drummers

London Fanfare Trumpeters

The only thing is, you’ll need to get cracking to get it all together by December 31st. Call us asap and ask for Frank.