Ceolsha, featuring dancers from Riverdance & Lord of the Dance, can be booked for weddings, corporate events, festivals. Male dancers also available if required.

Ceolsha's Bio
Ceolsha Dance are showgirls with a celtic twist.
Most recently seen on TV’s Britain’s Got Talent, their careers include the most successful stage shows in history; Lord of The Dance and Riverdance. Group leader Lauren has studied Irish dancing since the age of four and performed the solo part ‘Morrighan the Temptress’ in Las Vegas with Michael Flatley’s company for six years.
They perform traditional Irish soft and hard shoe dances (jigs,sets, reels, hornpipes etc) but also choreograph their own routines incorporating Irish dance with other styles to give them a modern twist. They have a selection of costumes ranging from the traditional to the sexy and can create outfits for particular events.
Ceolsha work regularly with Irish band Beckett, but can also perform to backing tracks. If required, they can appear with male dancers who they originally worked with on Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.